Category: Volunteer Opportunity

Rocky Mountain Adaptive – Volunteer Opportunity

Alberta has some amazing outdoor adventure opportunities. We can even see the mountains from our classroom windows. So if you like to head for the mountains when you’re not in the classroom, consider volunteering for Rocky Mountain Adaptive.

Their exhibit at Trails Fest included a TrailRider, a piece of adaptive equipment to help those with mobility issues get out into the wild. Hiking is only one of the 20 sports (both winter and summer) that they offer. Here is what the back of their volunteer recruitment postcard says:

“Rocky Mountain Adaptive enables individuals of any disability to participate, learn and excel at sport and recreation. Volunteers support many of our activities, such as sit skiing, hiking, biking, climbing, kayaking and more. If you love the outdoors and are looking for a way to give back, then come join us.

There is no minimum requirement of volunteer days, and we offer exciting and active year round activities to our guest. We look forward to seeing you!”

Volunteer information can be found on their website: